Peer-to-Peer(P2P) Downloading for Dummies!

peer-to-peer, commonly abbreviated "P2P", is any distributed network architecture composed of participants that make a portion of their resources (such as processing power, disk storage or network bandwidth) directly available to other network participants, without the need for central coordination instances (such as servers or stable hosts). Peers are both suppliers and consumers of resources, in contrast to the traditional client-server model where only servers supply, and clients consume.

To simplify that, a peer is anyone that allows information to be shared by others, or takes information from other peers. In doing that they are also able to take files/programs from others that share their own files/programs.
This is doing using a P2P client, the Client is like an in-between man that allows peers to connect to each other so that they can share information with each other.
Again, no despair if this is all crazy to you! We will explain how to obtain and use a P2P client to receive files!


Step 1.  Getting a P2P Client

A P2P client simply connects peers to each other, and when downloading using P2P you need to connect to other people in order to obtain the information they are sharing! (again, for free...mostly).

Now, it is important to understand that with copyrighted material it is not entirely legal so simply give someone else (another peer) a copy of the material.  So, P2P downloading is an area that pirates sometimes get caught, and P2P clients have very interesting run-ins with the law.  Because of this almost any P2P client will have to be paid for, at least for FULL use of the client.  But, for free, you can use a demo or less-then-awesome version of most clients in order to still use P2P downloading for free.

1. Choosing a P2P client
Here is a list of some of the most popular clients, and a short description:
  • Limewire ~ ~~ One of the most well-known clients, limewire is popularly used for music, games and movies.  There is a free version available for download, as well as a paid, FULL version of the client that is faster, more organized and offers better search results.
  • BearShare ~ ~~ another client, very similar to limewire.  Bearshare is free, and again is used for all media files.  This means it does not support the sharing of .exe or binary files (meaning you cannot share software like video games or windows 7).
  • Naptster ~ ~~ One of the first P2P clients, has a story, starting off as free it is now a paid service offered by the Best Buy company.  This is a service that is only for music downloads and listening. 
  • Frostwire ~ ~~ This is a knock-off of limewire, and is a completely FREE version of limewire that offers full benefits to any user for free.  
Again, due to bias and the fact that TRUE pirates don't pay for their booty, the client to be chosen for example and to be recommended is Frostwire.

2. Downloading and installing the Client.
This will be a step-by-step process to getting a client and making it work!
  • First, go to the clients' page, and click the download button. For frostwire its called "download Now" This should either immediately take you to step 2, or might bring up a "mirror" page, which will have multiple places from which to download the file.  Pick the topmost mirror and click "download now"
  • A prompt should pop up asking to install a ".exe" file, click "save file"
  • After this file is finished downloading onto your computer, open it (double click, or right click "open").
  • This will bring up the installation prompt, which will ask where to save and if you want shortcuts to the program.  Default setting will work fine, so simply click "next" or "continue" or "next step."
  • Once the installation is completely finished you officially have your very own Peer-to-peer client!

Step 2 Downloading from P2P client! (scoring some baskets)

Once you have a client for Peer-to-peer downloading the rest is fairly simple and relies on the layout of your client.  The steps listed will be general/vague in order to apply to all the different clients and their use.

Step 1.  Finding a file
In P2P downloading you find a direct file that is being shared by another peer, then you download from that peer plus other peers who have the same file and our sharing it as well (meaning you can connect to multiple peers and download 1 file).  The first step is finding this file.  In every client there is a search function, you can usually search simply my file name, Artist (for music), or genre. Search for what you want, but be careful (consult our Safe Downloading page)

Step 2. Downloading the file
This is usually done with a simple one-click interface that allows you to download the file.  The client will then connect to the host(s) and download the file for you from your peers.  Once it is finished, you have the file you wanted!

Step 3. To share? or not to Share?
Most of the clients will automatically begin sharing any file that you obtained from p2p downloading.  This means other people are able to download the file from your computer while the program is open (even if you are not using it).  There is usually an option to not share the file, but this sometimes means you will get slower download rates for not being nice and sharing with others.  But it also means no one is connecting to your ip address and using your bandwidth to get free songs. The choice is yours!
